Why book with us?
All our student accommodation is vetted and approved by us. We would never let accommodation we wouldn’t be happy staying in ourselves. We work with trusted landlords and accommodation providers, and take the hassle out of viewing, completing the application and paperwork involved with private letting, so that it really can be as simple as: choose, book, pay and stay.

Safe, secure, social

All our properties have high standards of security and staff on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your comfort and safety are our priority. And with well-designed communal areas, you’ll find as well as being a safe place to live, Stayhubs accommodation is also a great place to meet new friends.

No hidden extras

What you see is what you pay. We know that budgeting is a huge part of studying away from home. We don’t add things on at the end, you’ll get a full price, upfront before you book. If there are any additional costs that you may need to budget for, we will let you know in plain English, in advance.

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StayHubs Ltd · Mappin House . Oxford Street . London . W1W 8HF · Registered in England and Wales (reg no: 12455959)
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